My teacher has improved my smarts.
Except for music, gym and arts.
For he has made my day so fun,
learning about mathematics and the sun.
Supporting me school would come and go,
heat and cold, leaves and snow.
“What has made fun today so big?”
With a smirk and a grin I say: “MR. FLIGG!”
Life improves as days pass by,
sitting down watching time fly.
Winter comes and is cold with snow,
no more watching rivers flow.
A snow day comes and left me with dismay,
because I just want to go to school today.
No school today and that is that,
time goes by in two seconds flat.
Now I get to go to school again,
Supporting time is going to begin!
Supporting time is a good time,
to thank your teachers away.
I want to live a such life,
each and every day!
Mr. Fligg’s class
Norman E. Day school